Erie currently requires everyone age 2 and up to wear a mask in our health centers. Erie requiere el uso de mascarillas en todos los centros de salud para todos los visitantes de 2 años y mayores.

Health Education Groups

Groups to support your health goals.

Your health is important, and Erie is here to support your health goals. We offer several health education groups to support you in your journey to manage your health. Our Health Promotions groups and classes are opportunities to learn about certain health conditions and healthy habits to prevent and take care of them as well as to find community among individuals and families working on their own health goals. Many of the groups are open to the community.

Sign up for emails with upcoming class dates and times


Manejo de mi diabetes

Este programa de 8 semanas se reúne 1 vez por semana. Es para pacientes con niveles de azúcar en sangre no controlados (diabetes). Es una oportunidad para aprender sobre la importancia de la nutrición, la actividad física, la medicación y el seguimiento médico para controlar su afección y ayudar a prevenir problemas de salud más graves.

This group is open to established Erie patients.

Click to learn more or sign up for a group session


Programa de prevención de la diabetes

Este es un programa de 26 semanas de sesiones de 1 hora. Es para personas prediabéticas. Nos centramos en formas de reducir sus probabilidades de contraer diabetes: mediante opciones de nutrición, practicando actividades físicas, controlando el estrés y otros hábitos saludables. Los participantes deben precalificar para participar.

This group is open to established Erie patients.

Click to learn more or sign up for a group session


Diabetes mes a mes

This drop-in support group meets 1 time
per month. It is for people with pre-diabetes or diabetes. Each month we discuss different diabetes topics like Knowing Your Kidneys, Preventative Care, and Making the Most of Doctor Visits.

This group is open to members of the community.

Click to learn more or sign up for a group session



Este grupo de apoyo sin cita previa se reúne una vez cada dos meses. Es para que las personas con prediabetes o en riesgo de tener prediabetes aprendan cómo prevenir o retrasar la diabetes con cambios en el estilo de vida.

This group is open to the community.

Click to learn more or sign up for a group session


Club de Corredores

This club meets regularly from July to October, and is open to individuals or families. We teach you how to gradually become stronger and prepare you to run or walk in a 5K race. No running experience is needed.

This group is open to the community.

Click to learn more or sign up for a group session


Nutrición 101

This drop-in group meets 1 time every other month. It is for people interested in learning how to read nutrition labels, what is the My Plate Method, and how nutrition can impact your test results for cholesterol, blood sugar levels, and blood pressure

This group is open to the community.

Click to learn more or sign up for a group session



Cooking Matters® (by Share Our Strength®)

Este grupo sin cita previa se reúne una vez cada dos meses. Compartimos recetas fáciles, asequibles y familiares. Enseñamos a personas con presupuestos limitados para alimentos cómo comprar y cocinar comidas saludables.

This group is open to the community.

Click to learn more or sign up for a group session


Healthy Lives, Healthy Kids

This drop-in group meets 1 time every other month. It is for parents and caregivers of children aged 6-13 to discuss and learn about supporting their family's health with nutrition, physical activity, sleep, and stress management.

This group is open to the community.

Click to learn more or sign up for a group session

Classes open to the Community and to Erie Patients.

Classes open to Erie Patients.