El equipo de investigación de Erie Family Health Centers colabora con los pacientes, el personal, los proveedores y las instituciones asociadas de Erie para mejorar el acceso a una atención de calidad, promover las mejores prácticas y garantizar que nuestras comunidades estén representadas en los avances médicos.
Research at Erie is viewed as an additional way in which we support our patients and enhance the high-quality care we provide. We believe engagement in aligned research helps us improve the individual health of our patients, maintain focus on continuous improvement, and contribute to making advancements towards health equity.
When evaluating research opportunities, Erie sets high standards for evaluating quality, purpose, and relevance to the communities Erie serves. Specifically, We prioritize participation in research initiatives that acknowledge and address sustainability and replicability in a primary care setting that works with underresourced populations. Research projects that are based in quality improvement, as well as those that tackle our most challenging questions around upstream approaches to improve health, wellness, and social determinants of health are also prioritized. For more information regarding our priority interests, please see below.
We believe it is important for researchers to include community partners, participants, and stakeholders into their dissemination plan.
Participate in a Current Research Study
Studies Recruiting Erie Patients
Childhood Activities Development Oversight (CAN DO)
Research Institution: Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago
Contact: we.can.doit@northwestern.edu
Eligibility Criteria: Caregivers of children under 5 months old
Learn More: https://cando-study.com/
This study aims to determine whether supporting families in introducing common food allergens during the first year of life can prevent food allergies.
Studies Recruiting Anyone from the Community
Adaptive Mechanisms Responsible for Weight Change in Youth with Obesity (ADMIRE)
Research Institution: Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago
Contact: ADMIRE@luriechildrens.org
Eligibility Criteria: 11-15-year-olds with a BMI equal or above the 95th percentile
Learn More: Link to flyer and/or website for more information
This study is looking to see how hormones change in adolescents after they lose weight. The study would give access to meal replacements and a dietitian for the duration of the study.
Completed Research Projects and Findings
Childhood Activities Development Oversight (CAN DO)
Research Institution: Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago
Contact: we.can.do.it@northwestern.edu
Eligibility Criteria: Caregivers of children under 5 months old
Learn More: Link to flyer and/or website for more information
This study aims to determine whether supporting families in introducing common food allergens during the first year of life can prevent food allergies.
Research Institution: Centros de salud familiar Erie
Project Description:
Erie inició un proceso de evaluación de necesidades sociales de dos partes con los pacientes en mayo de 2020. El personal de apoyo clínico hizo dos preguntas de evaluación previa sobre el interés en estar conectado a los recursos y los pacientes interesados recibieron un seguimiento del personal.
Over the course of implementing the tool, we transitioned from a one to two-question prescreener which reduced the volume of calls, and allowed staff to contact patients faster. It also allows patients to choose how they want to receive information (phone, email, or text). Patients that choose to receive resources via email or text get a general list of resources and do not need to share their specific needs. Patients who select follow up via phone are asked the 8 question "SDOH Questionnaire" and provided a more personalized list of resources. The follow up questionnaire assesses eight categories of need including: income, housing, food, medications, childcare supplies, coping, transportation, and any "other" needs. The questions were originally derived from Thrive, Health Leads, PRAPARE, Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, and OECD Measuring Financial Literacy Tools and since creation have undergone numerous revisions based on input from patients and staff. Allowing for identification of specific needs allows us to address patient requests more effectively.
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Erie Family Health Centers recibió el premio USA Today Top Workplaces 2024, el premio Top Workplaces 2024 Purpose and Values y el premio Top Workplaces 2024 Healthcare Industry Award, reconociendo que nuestra creencia compartida en la misión y los valores de Erie impulsa todo lo que hacemos.