Erie currently requires everyone age 2 and up to wear a mask in our health centers. Erie requiere el uso de mascarillas en todos los centros de salud para todos los visitantes de 2 años y mayores.

Medical Assistant Training with NIMAA at Erie

Get started debt free in a career in healthcare! Erie partners with the National Institute of Medical Assistant Advancement (NIMAA) to train individuals interested in pursuing a career as a Medical Assistant (MA).

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In only 8 months you could be prepared for a rewarding career in community health.

The $6,600 tuition cost will be fully covered by Erie Family Health Centers for students who agree to work for Erie for a minimum of 2,500 paid hours upon graduation.

  • The application fee is $25 (non-refundable).
  • Applications for Spring 2024 open on September 18, 2024
  • Early Decision Application Deadline: October 23, 2024
  • Regular Application Deadline: November 27, 2024


Call NIMAA at 720-710-9050, email their admissions team at
You may also reach out to Erie at

Training Overview
  • 8 month long part-time program, including flexible online learning and hands-on in-clinic experience.
  • Clinical experience begins right away, students must spend at least 240 hours in clinic.
  • Erie’s Spring cohort (March start) trains out of Erie’s two suburban locations, Erie Evanston/Skokie located in Evanston and Erie HealthReach Waukegan located in Waukegan
  • Erie’s Fall cohort (September start) trains out of two of Erie’s city-based sites, Erie Division Street and Erie Helping Hands
  • As it is a part-time program, many students keep an part-time outside job.
  • NIMAA’s graduation rate is 89%
Eligibility Criteria
  • Students must be 18 years of age or older by completion of the program.
  • Proof of a high school diploma, GED or equivalent.
  • Valid proof of identification.
  • Application fee: $25 (non-refundable)
  • Program fees: $760
  • Tuition fees: $6,660*

*Fully covered by Erie Family Health Centers for students who agree to work for Erie for a minimum of 2,500 paid hours upon graduation. Loan details available upon application.

The National Institute for Medical Assistant Advancement (NIMAA) is a nonprofit education institute that trains Medical Assistants to work effectively in today’s high-performing primary care settings. Students gain hands-on learning in leading primary care clinics, including Erie Family Health Centers.

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Erie Family Health Centers currently trains more than 200 healthcare students and professionals each year, making it a leader in medical education. Erie is a nationally-recognized community health center with a respected 62-year history of providing high-quality, comprehensive health care to all members of the family. Erie now serves more than 80,000 patients at 13 state-of-the art health centers across Chicago and the northern suburbs.

Program FAQs

What is the class schedule for the program?​

The program is 29-weeks long and requires a commitment of approximately 30 hours/week. Each student’s weekly schedule varies based on their assigned clinical time and online content can be completed on their own schedule.

What fees do I have to pay? And when?​

There is a $25 application fee due at the time of application and $760 of book, material and exam fees ($540 due at the beginning of the program, $220 due by approximately the midpoint of the program). 

See the NIMAA tuition and fee page for more information. If accepted into the Erie program, Erie can pay the $6,000 tuition payment directly to NIMAA on the students behalf in the form of an interest-free loan. All other fees are the student’s responsibility to pay directly to NIMAA by the dates indicated.  

I’m still getting my GED, can I apply?

Yes, you may can apply, but a high school diploma or GED certificate must be completed prior to the program start date.

Erie Family Health Centers’ MA Externship Sites

Erie Evanston/Skokie Health Center

1285 Hartrey Avenue
Evanston, 60202

Erie HealthReach Waukegan Health Center

2323 Grand Avenue
Waukegan, 60085

Erie MA Training Program Coordinator: Victoria Fernandez

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