Erie currently requires everyone age 2 and up to wear a mask in our health centers.

Erie requiere el uso de mascarillas en todos los centros de salud para todos los visitantes de 2 años y mayores.
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"; console.log("Local storage not supported"); } var imichatwidget = { // get hasInitiatedConversation() { // if (sessionStorage.getItem("imichat_hasinitconvexist") == null) // return false; // if (sessionStorage.getItem("imichat_hasinitconvexist") == "1") { // return true; // } else { // return false; // } // }, hasInitiatedChat: function () { if (sessionStorage.getItem("imichat_hasinitconvexist") == null) return false; if (sessionStorage.getItem("imichat_hasinitconvexist") == "1") { return true; } else { return false; } }, show: function () { //$("#divicw").show();return; document.getElementById("divicw").style.display = 'block'; }, hide: function () { // $("#divicw").hide();return; document.getElementById("divicw").style.display = 'none'; }, /* test:function() { if(sessionStorage.getItem("imichat_hasinitconvexist")==null) return false; if(sessionStorage.getItem("imichat_hasinitconvexist")=="1") { return true; } else { return false; } },*/ maximizeWindow: function () { IMIChatInit.chatswitchicon(1); IMIChatInit.resize(); IMIChatInit.call_previous_chats(); return; }, minimizeWindow: function () { return IMIChatInit.chatswitchicon(0); }, init: function (jsondata, callback) { if (typeof callback != 'function') { console.error('function was expected.'); return; } var destination = document.getElementById('iframechatwindow').contentWindow; destination.postMessage({ action: 'imichat_custom_chat_fields', data: jsondata, type: 'add' }, '*'); _IMIchat_callback_dic['imichat-widget:custom_chat_fields_init'] = callback; }, update: function (jsondata, callback) { if (typeof callback != 'function') { console.error('function was expected.'); return; } var destination = document.getElementById('iframechatwindow').contentWindow; destination.postMessage({ action: 'imichat_custom_chat_fields', data: jsondata, type: 'update' }, '*'); _IMIchat_callback_dic['imichat-widget:custom_chat_fields_update'] = callback; }, on: function (func_name, callback) { if (typeof callback != 'function') { console.error('function was expected.'); return; } switch (func_name) { case 'imichat-widget:ready': _IMIchat_callback_dic['imichat-widget:ready'] = callback; break; } } }; /* function imichatWidgetLoaded(){imi imichatwidget.maximizeWindow(); }*/

Paying for Your Visit

At Erie, no one is ever turned away because of their ability to pay. We accept patients who have insurance and patients who do not have insurance.

Payment is preferred at the time of service. You can also make payments in your Erie MyChart account.

See below for the many types of insurance Erie accepts, and for what to do if you do not have insurance.

If you have a Medicaid Insurance Plan, you may also be able to get help with transportation. Read more about this under the "Transportation Options (for Medicaid Insurances)" tab.

We also offer assistance with Insurance Enrollment.

Medicare Advantage Plan Updates!

As of February 2, 2025, Erie will no longer be accepting WellCare Medicare Advantage Plan.

This time of year is Medicare Open Enrollment. That means that until December 7, 2024, you can review your Medicare coverage options and change your Medicare plan. 

After December 7, you will not be able to switch plans until next year's enrollment in October 2025.

Call Erie at 312-432-7396, from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday – Friday, with any Erie benefits questions or for assistance, or click here to send us an email.  

To learn more about Medicare Plans that Erie accepts click here.

Remember to make sure that you call any other healthcare providers that you see, like specialists or hospitals, to make sure they will accept any plan you choose.

Don't Lose Your Medicaid:

Before the COVID pandemic, you had to renew your Medicaid coverage every year and prove you were still eligible. During the pandemic, no one had to do this, and the state of Illinois could not take anyone’s Medicaid insurance away from them. Now, many medicaid members once again have to submit information to prove that you still qualify. (Illinois calls this “redetermination”.)
Tilted envelope with HFS logo
The State of Illinois mails Medicaid renewal letters to people at the home address they have on file every month. If this letter goes to the wrong address, or if you don't reply within 30 days, you can lose your Medicaid insurance.

Do these things NOW so you don’t lose your Medicaid insurance!

Click Here to Update Your Address on the Medicaid Website 
Enter an address where mail can always reach you. You can also call 1-877-805-5312.

Click Here to Set Up an Online "Manage My Case" Account
With this account you can renew your Medicaid insurance more quickly online - instead of sending paperwork by mail. You can also see your renewal deadline in your account.

(Already have a "Manage My Case" account? Click here to login.)

Watch this short video from CountyCare about steps to take to keep your medicaid insurance. (If you are not a CountyCare member, instead of calling CountyCare for help, you can call the state of Illinois at 1-800-843-6154.)

When will I receive my Medicaid renewal letter?

Everyone has a different renewal deadline. The first letters were sent in the beginning of May, but more letters will go out at the beginning of every month.

The most important things to do NOW are:

  1. Make sure that the Illinois Medicaid office has your current address (here)
  2. Sign up for a “Manage My Case” account (here). See your Medicaid renewal deadline when you log into your account.
  3. Watch your mailbox for a letter from the State of Illinois, Department of Healthcare and Family Services and gather your documents and fill out the form, right away when you receive your letter.

If you are a new patient, please print and fill out the new patient intake form (linked below) before your visit, and bring it with you to your appointment.

New Patient Intake Form – English
Información del paciente nuevo – Español

If you have a high deductible insurance, learn about our sliding fee scale in the "patients without insurance" section.

If you have a medicaid insurance plan and need help with transportation, click  the Transportation tab above.

Got questions?
Click here to send us an email. Or call us.

MEDICAID PLANS accepted at Erie (Erie Must Be Assigned as PCP)

Please call 312.666.3494 for the most up to date information and to ensure your specific plan is accepted.

Medicaid Plans:

  • Traditional Medicaid
  • Aetna Better Health of Illinois (Medicaid)
  • BlueCross Community (Medicaid)
  • CountyCare (Medicaid) for Cook County residents only
  • Meridian Health Plan of Illinois
  • Molina Healthcare (Medicaid)
  • YouthCare HealthChoice (Medicaid)

Medicare-Medicaid Plans:

  • Aetna Better Health Medicare-Medicaid Alignment Initiative (MMAI)
  • BlueCross Community Medicare-Medicaid Alignment Initiative (MMAI)
  • Humana Gold Plus Integrated (MMAI)
  • Meridian Complete (MMAI)

Whenever you change your insurance plan, remember to: 

  • Call 312.666.3494 for the most up-to-date information about plans that Erie accepts - to ensure your specific plan is accepted.
  • Also remember to call any other healthcare providers that you see, like specialists or hospitals, to make sure they accept your chosen plan.
MARKETPLACE or PRIVATE PLANS accepted at Erie (HMOs Must Be Assigned to Erie as PCP)

Please call 312.666.3494 for the most up to date information and to ensure your specific plan is accepted.

Commercial Plans

  • Aetna HMO/POS
  • Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) Choice/PPO
  • Cigna HMO (Connect)
  • Cigna Local Plus
  • Cigna Open Access Plus
  • Humana PPO 
  • Humana HMO/POS
  • UnitedHealthcare PPO
  • UnitedHealthcare HMO/POS
  • WellCare

Marketplace Plans

  • Aetna CVS (bronze, silver, and gold)
  • Ambetter
  • Blue Cross Blue Choice Preferred PPO
  • Cigna Plus with Northwestern Medicine affiliation
  • Humana Gold/Choice
  • Molina (bronze, silver, and gold)
  • Oscar Health
  • United Healthcare Marketplace

Whenever you change your insurance plan, remember to: 

  • Call 312.666.3494 for the most up-to-date information about plans that Erie accepts - to ensure your specific plan is accepted.
  • Also remember to call any other healthcare providers that you see, like specialists or hospitals, to make sure they accept your chosen plan.
MEDICARE PLANS accepted at Erie (HMOs Must Be Assigned to Erie as PCP)

Erie accepts the following Medicare plans. (Please call 312.666.3494 for the most up-to-date information and to ensure your specific plan is accepted.)

  • Traditional Medicare
  • Tricare (Humana Military Supplement)

Medicare-Medicaid Plans:

  • Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) Community MMAI
  • Aetna Medicare MMAI
  • Humana Medicare MMAI
  • MeridianComplete MMAI
  • Molina MMAI

Medicare Advantage Plans:

  • Aetna Medicare Advantage
  • Humana Medicare PPO
  • United Healthcare MA (PPO/HMO)
  • WellCare (Please note that as of February 2, 2025, this plan will no longer be accepted at Erie.)

Whenever you change your insurance plan, remember to: 

  • Call 312.666.3494 for the most up-to-date information about plans that Erie accepts - to ensure your specific plan is accepted.
  • Also remember to call any other healthcare providers that you see, like specialists or hospitals, to make sure they accept your chosen plan.

Patients without insurance or patients with high deductibles qualify for the sliding fee scale discount.

Patients without insurance are charged on a sliding fee scale, which is based on family size and household income.

  • To qualify, patients must provide proof of identification, proof of family size, and proof of income every 12 months.
  • You can download the application below, gather your proof of income and family size documents, and bring everything to your next appointment to see if you qualify for this program.

Sliding Fee Scale Discount Application – English
Formulario para solicitar descuento de pago basado en sus ingresos – Español

Our front desk staff will use this information to determine your fee. And if you pay on the same day as your appointment, we will provide a discount.

Note: if you have questions about your bill, call 312-666-3494 (city) or 847-666-3494 (suburbs) and follow the prompts to speak to our patient billing department.

Transportation Options for Certain Medicaid Plans

If you have one of the Medicaid plans listed down below, your plan provides free transportation to and from doctor appointments and pharmacy visits. Depending on which plan you have, you can get bus passes or a van or car ride.


Call your plan 3 or more days before your appointment to schedule a van or car ride.


Calling 10 days before your appointment is recommended to allow time to receive bus passes in the mail.


If you or a caregiver drive to appointments, mileage reimbursement from your insurance may be available. Call your plan 3 or more days before your appointment to ask about mileage reimbursement.

When you call your plan, be prepared to tell the representative:

• Your Name, Member ID or Medicaid ID, and Date of Birth
• Your destination address and appointment time
• If you need to make multiple trips in one day (to the doctor, then a pharmacy for example)
• If you need special accommodations (for example: you have a wheelchair, or you are traveling with an escort)

Aetna Better Health of Illinois

Call 1-866-329-4701
Options Available: Bus passes, van/car (when medically necessary), mileage reimbursement
For more information or questions about these transportation options, call your plan or visit your plan website.

Aetna Better Health Premier Plan of Illinois MMAI

Call 1-866-600-2139
Options Available: Bus passes, van/car, mileage reimbursement

Blue Cross Community Health Plan

Call 1-877-860-2837
Option Available: Van/car & Bus Passes
For more information or questions about these transportation options, call your plan or visit your plan website.

Blue Cross MMAI (Medicare Medicaid Plan)

Call 1-877-723-7702
Option Available: Van/car
For more information or questions about these transportation options, call your plan or visit your plan website.


Call 312-864-8200
Options Available: Bus passes, van/car
For more information or questions about these transportation options, call your plan or visit your plan website.


Humana Gold Plus Integrated (Medicare-Medicaid Plan) Call: 1-855-253-6867 Options Available: Van/car

Meridian Health

Call 1-866-606-3700
Options Available: Bus passes, van/car (when medically necessary), mileage reimbursement
For more information or questions about these transportation options, call your plan or visit your plan website.

Meridian Complete

Call 1-855-580-1689
Options Available: Bus passes, van/car (when medically necessary)
For more information or questions about these transportation options, call your plan or visit your plan website.

Molina Healthcare

Call 1-844-644-6354
Options Available: Bus passes, van/car, mileage reimbursement
For more information or questions about these transportation options, call your plan or visit your plan website.

YouthCare Health Choice Illinois

Content: Call: 1-844-289-2264 Options Available: Van/car ***Youth under the age of 18 years old cannot ride independently and must be accompanied by an adult at least 18 years of age or older***

Did you lose your Medicaid insurance?

If you were not able to complete your renewal paperwork before your due date there is a chance that you can still renew your coverage if you send in your paperwork your within 90 days of the day you first lost your coverage.

If the state decides you still qualify, you may be required to select a Medicaid plan, like CountyCare, or you may be automatically enrolled in one the state selects for you:

  • If your benefits are processed and posted by the State within 90 days of your loss of coverage, you can be re-enrolled in the Managed Care Plan you had before.
  • If your benefits are reinstated and posted by the State after the 90 day grace period, you will have to go through the managed care plan selection process again.

If you are no longer eligible for Medicaid, you have two options:

  • Ask if your employer offers health insurance.
  • If insurance at work is not available, or it’s unaffordable, you can apply for a health insurance plan through the Marketplace at

Are you an Erie patient?

We can help! Call us at 312-666-3494 or 847-666-3494.

Would you like more help?

Erie Now Uses Right Refund™ to send patients refunds.

If you overpay your Erie bill, you may receive a communication from a company called Right Refund™. You will need to follow the instructions in the message to receive your refund.

If you have one of the Medicaid plans below, your plan provides free transportation to and from doctor appointments and pharmacy visits. Depending on which plan you have, you can get bus passes or a van/car ride.


Call your plan 3 or more days before your appointment to schedule transportation.

Calling 10 days before your appointment is recommended to allow time to receive bus passes in the mail.

If you or a caregiver drive to appointments, mileage reimbursement from your insurance may be available. Call your plan 3 or more days before your appointment to ask about mileage reimbursement.

When you call your plan, be prepared to tell the representative:

• Your Name, Member ID or Medicaid ID, and Date of Birth
• Your destination address and appointment time
• If you need to make multiple trips in one day (to the doctor, then a pharmacy for example)
• If you need special accommodations (for example: you have a wheelchair, or you are traveling with an escort)

Aetna Better Health of Illinois

Call 1-866-329-4701
Options Available: Bus passes, van/car (when medically necessary), mileage reimbursement
For more information or questions about these transportation options, call your plan or visit your plan website.

Aetna Better Health Premier Plan of Illinois MMAI

Call 1-866-600-2139
Options Available: Bus passes, van/car, mileage reimbursement

Blue Cross Community Health Plan

Call 1-877-860-2837
Option Available: Van/car & Bus Passes
For more information or questions about these transportation options, call your plan or visit your plan website.

Blue Cross MMAI (Medicare Medicaid Plan)

Call 1-877-723-7702
Option Available: Van/car
For more information or questions about these transportation options, call your plan or visit your plan website.


Call 312-864-8200
Options Available: Bus passes, van/car
For more information or questions about these transportation options, call your plan or visit your plan website.


Humana Gold Plus Integrated (Medicare-Medicaid Plan) Call: 1-855-253-6867 Options Available: Van/car

Meridian Health

Call 1-866-606-3700
Options Available: Bus passes, van/car (when medically necessary), mileage reimbursement
For more information or questions about these transportation options, call your plan or visit your plan website.

Meridian Complete

Call 1-855-580-1689
Options Available: Bus passes, van/car (when medically necessary)
For more information or questions about these transportation options, call your plan or visit your plan website.

Molina Healthcare

Call 1-844-644-6354
Options Available: Bus passes, van/car, mileage reimbursement
For more information or questions about these transportation options, call your plan or visit your plan website.

YouthCare Health Choice Illinois

Content: Call: 1-844-289-2264 Options Available: Van/car ***Youth under the age of 18 years old cannot ride independently and must be accompanied by an adult at least 18 years of age or older***

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